Chrono Trigger restoration project

User Info: Rygon. So far, however, an initial test with Crono's sprite has been positive.Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors.Another filter messes with the colors.With CT_Explore, Lang has already proved modding Chrono Trigger is possible. Worse, the brute force upscaling creates glaring misalignments in background tiles (a problem Doucet talks about how to avoid above). Damnit.. Chrono Trigger was released on Steam in February to fans’ delight, but disappointment quickly set in when players realized they were playing a subpar port of the game. Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes is a fangame developed by the international team Kajar Laboratories as a ROM hack of Square's role-playing video game Chrono Trigger for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.It was conceived as an unofficial installment in the Chrono series, set between the events of Chrono Trigger and its sequel Chrono Cross.. Once he worked his way into the encryption, Lang wrote CT_Explore, a tool to unpack the game's files. Are you ready for the feel-good story of the year? Chrono Trigger on Steam Gets a Final Patch to Fix Maligned PC Version. Square Enix is readying a patch that will restore the original blocky graphics style to the PC port of Chrono Trigger. "CT holds most of its assets in resources.bin, and they wrote a proprietary, 'poor man's encryption'—that is, it's nowhere near as secure/robust as a mainstream encryption method like AES or RSA, but it's also much faster," Lang told me. This follows the story of Magus’s rise to power in the Kingdom of Zeal after arriving in 12000 B.C. Square Enix promised big patches to make the game worthwhile on … Chrono Trigger’s surprise February launch turned out to be little more than a PC port of its mobile version. News by Matt Kim, News Editor 6 August 2018. You will receive a verification email shortly.But removing that filter didn't do much to fix Chrono Trigger's problems. And this (like with FFVI) is where their 'poor man's encryption' comes to bite them in the ass: I can re-encrypt the archive with new content just as easily as I can decrypt it. Still, props to them for listening to the fans. The way Chrono Trigger resizes based on what resolution you choose (distorting sprites in the process) won't be fixed by the original art assets. No subjectivity like FF4 or Persona 3. ""So, if we got ALL of the original art (characters AND backgrounds), my belief is that it'll largely look 'better' (for some definitions of 'better')—in that, it'll probably mostly look like the original SNES game; with the caveat that it'll be running with a few modifications of the Steam release," Lang said. - Skies of Arcadia. A cyan cat isn't exactly a fix for the port's art woes, but it's a first step.There was a problem. Square's biggest misstep was in aggressively and sloppily resizing sprites and tiles, making the art assets look blurry even without a filter slapped on top.

The quest to save Chrono Trigger is on.In 2016 I talked to modder Jed Lang, who wrote a tool for Square's similarly shoddy PC port of Final Fantasy VI. Square Enix did a thing, fans didn’t like the thing, and then Square Enix actually addressed and fixed the thing in a way that will make everybody happy.The updated version is so remarkably better that you really have to wonder how they ever thought that the original release was acceptable in any way. If they ever fix the FFVI release like this, I might actually buy it and play it finally.For context, here’s what battles used to look like: When you load up Chrono Trigger on PC, you’ll be asked whether you want to play with high-resolution graphics or old-school ones, so you can pick your poison.

After 13 years, the role playing game of the ages returns with Chrono Trigger for the Nintendo DS Crono, meets an adventurous girl named Marle, and accidentally travels back in time 400 years Past, present, and future worlds collide as Crono tries to save the planet The bad news is that replacing the background art would require dumping all the art assets from the original game and inserting them via CT_Explore, and that could prove complicated.


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