How been your day

In these challenging times we’ll continue to look for ways across Microsoft 365 to help you manage your time more efficiently and effectively; whether it’s managing your time while working from home,identifying insights to improve your wellbeing, and putting AI to work for you.. We hope you will find these updates useful to help you get more control of your day. I merely pointed out how they're not pointless.Instead the alternative thing I would say that would open up the conversation to whatever the child considers important or relevant would be, "tell me all about your day." It was just a friendly hey how are you but the response i got was exactly what i wanted.I ran a PR on my 5K at 17:33 a few months ago.Rode an old-fashioned train through the White Pass in Alaska.Edit: close second was the day I bought my first motorcycle.Starting a lifetime with my favorite person in a tropical paradise is going to take a while to top.Jews have a different calendar?Today has been trying it's best to usurp the title of my worst day of 2019. Rather, it is to illustrate that these questions are no more effective than the original question that the author chose to criticize. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. My birthday in March, it was really great.About a month ago from now I went to my friends birthday party and it was honestly the most social interaction I e had in a while, I also became super close friends with someone I never expected it from which is very welcome.At least you were able to enjoy it in the moment.

I also like questions like, what was the best part of your day?

That day went OK.

)Many people--some of them parents--are not natural conversationalists. Free online How Has Your Day Been ecards on Everyday Cards

Those changes have resulted in overcrowded calendars with more meetings and the prep and follow-up work that come with them; that, in addition to the blurred lines between personal and work time and space, has been emotionally and physically draining.Microsoft 365 brings together Office 365, Windows 10, and Enterprise Mobility + Security. The evidence suggests that most people summon strengths that surpass their own expectations.1) What's one word you'd use to describe today?

Kinda stereotypical but just the whole night was a good time.Congrats! It delivers a complete, intelligent, and secure solution to empower people.As people look for ways to maintain a sense of wellbeing and being balanced within a more flexible work schedule, making sure you plan your work and make space for self-care into your calendar is key. I'd sure like to read that.For an invalid ad hominem, it cut pretty close to the bone, eh?

Labor Day Sep 7 Grandparent's Day Sep 13 Rosh Hashanah Sep 18 - Sep 20 This article gave some decent convo-launching tips for people--unlike yourself, happily--who have these issues.Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today.Of course, the older your child, the more nuanced you can get. Science(This comment's title isn't meant to be mean, but it's just that I've never met a salesperson who didn't come across as disingenuous during non-professional conversation.

5 people like this. How was your day?

i may be 5 digits in debt and have the exact same shitty job i had as a high school dropout but at least i don't cringe internally whenever i hear references to high schools or anything like thatThe day i sen an email to my ex-fiancee. "How is your day" does not emphasize this "entire duration of the day."

But as you're first getting in the door, the questions above can prove fruitful to start laying the foundation for deeper conversations—even better than "How was your day."

This is why you ask as open ended a question as possible. You also want to focus on what's important to the person you are asking to share, not change the focus to what your question is specifically about. how's your day been.

What if one or both of you is tired or having a not so great day? Whether nervous or jubilant, whether at home or at work, parents across the world will be eager to hear how those days went. Ad hominem, the last resort of someone who no longer has a valid argument....these questions will result in an eye roll by most kids.3) How was today different than yesterday?

What are the theme embedded in the story Too bad by Issac Asimov. Sometimes, you just go to school, and nothing happens. You sit, you take notes, you talk to your friends during the breaks and you go back home. It is (relatively) open-ended in that it doesn't lead to a yes or no answer, and it can form a good foundation for a nice conversation. The older they are, the less likely they are to immediately open up about what might be a whole universe of complex emotions and social happenings.So, by all means, begin with "How was your day." 5 Questions Better Than "How Was Your Day?" Related Posts:Ted, Honey, for 5 years I've been working out at…Wow it’s been 2 weeks since I’ve been on here! That was a pretty good day.Getting a job offer after a 2 month stint of funemployment!Today, everyday is the best day for me.Had i known how it developed in the subsequent months i wouldn't have been as elated but hey it was a great day!

)At least, that's my opinion on that matter ;)4) What did your teacher talk about most today?

Do you still have the cognitive resources to spend more energy and take on the load of figuring out a way around a one word answer?


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